North Central Texas Simplex Net
Join the North Central Texas Simplex Net every Friday night at 8:00pm Central (0200 UTC) on 146.580MHz FM. Check the Facebook group for more information! The below stream is provided courtesy of KG5NGM Trey from Fort Worth, TX.
( If the stream says “This video is unavailable” then it’s not Friday and/or the stream isn’t running yet. )
Check out past net information
01-20-2023 North Central Texas Simplex Net
Very rough atmospheric conditions, seems like, tonight. Not to be deterred, our little group set an all-time high check-in number (77 total), we also had an all time high NetLogger list of 32! I remember when this net was a rowdy bunch of 30 or so rag chewers. And now… look how much of Texas…
10-15 North Central Texas Simplex net
Propagation was weird tonight. Some stations were super loud and clear and others… I don’t know. Was a very weird evening. As always, click the pin to see details about that station or click the icon in the top left of the map to see all stations.
10-08 North Central Texas Simplex Net
The wiggles must have been working a little better tonight. Seems like I heard a lot more stations than I normally do. As always, click the markers to see more information, or click the icon in the top left corner to show the whole list.